Daily Poster
Missing Poster Questions are recorded in PowerSchool under Bookkeeping for each week numbered 1-5...1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday...ie: 125 would indicate missing work for Mon, Tues, and Fri.
A score of 100% is expected, or the score will not count.
A score of 100% is expected, or the score will not count.
70) Tips for buying insurance...https://testmoz.com/11199552
69) Tools...https://testmoz.com/11181144
68) Steps to Wealth...https://testmoz.com/11181114
67) Money...https://testmoz.com/11826400
66) Forms...https://testmoz.com/11826338
65) Hyperinflation...https://testmoz.com/11826070
64) Retirement and Estate Planning...https://testmoz.com/11826418
63) Cultural Diversity...https://testmoz.com/11886120
62) Review...https://testmoz.com/11061354
61) Financial Literacy...https://testmoz.com/11061288
60) Financial Literacy...https://testmoz.com/11061274
59) Financial Literacy...https://testmoz.com/11061160
58) Financial Literacy...https://testmoz.com/11061148
57) Money Management...https://testmoz.com/11181090
56) Money Mangement...https://testmoz.com/11061130
55) Money Mangement...https://testmoz.com/11107908
54) Retirement and Estate Planning...https://testmoz.com/11740084
53) Retirement and Estate Planning...https://testmoz.com/11739972
52) Insurance Types...https://testmoz.com/11248418
51) Insurance Review...https://testmoz.com/11247964
50) Insurance Review...https://testmoz.com/11081990
***remember, on any plan, if you choose to go outside the network of doctors, you will probably pay more***
49) Health Care Plans...testmoz.com/11247894
48) Health Care Terms...https://testmoz.com/11077032
47) Car Accident Readiness...https://testmoz.com/11247762
Your car insurance company will only pay a depreciated value for your car if it is totaled unless you have replacement insurance
Replacement Insurance cost extra but will replace your totaled car at its current replacement value.
46) Car Insurance Numbers...https://testmoz.com/11107816
45) Saving on Car Insurance...https://testmoz.com/11247808
Your car insurance will not pay for your medical bills...that will be covered under your health insurance.
50/100/30 are liabilities for the other people's medical and their property NOT yours
If your car is stolen, it would be covered under comprehensive.
50/100/30 are liabilities for the other people's medical and their property NOT yours
If your car is stolen, it would be covered under comprehensive.
44) Car Insurance Terms...https://testmoz.com/11077000
43) Taxes...https://testmoz.com/11248428
42) Taxes and Pay...https://testmoz.com/11671874
41) Tax Definitions... https://testmoz.com/11248466 ↑
40) Taxes Withholding... https://testmoz.com/11248444 ↑
39) Investing Review... https://testmoz.com/11082074
38) Start Investing Now... https://testmoz.com/11247742
37) Investing for the future...https://testmoz.com/11076988
36) Rule of 72...https://testmoz.com/11247390
35) Steps for Investing... https://testmoz.com/11242914
34) Rent can be expensive...https://testmoz.com/11645276
7. The County charges a fee to transfer your name to the deed
(part of the closing cost)
33) Owning a Home is Expensive...https://testmoz.com/11247606
(part of the closing cost)
33) Owning a Home is Expensive...https://testmoz.com/11247606
32) Buying a House vs Renting...https://testmoz.com/11247552
31) Things to remember when buying a house...https://testmoz.com/11247482
30) Things to know when buying a car...https://testmoz.com/11247420
29) Negotiating a Good Car Deal...https://testmoz.com/11602668
28) Financing a Vehicle...https://testmoz.com/11242864
27) Buying a Vehicle...https://testmoz.com/11242818
26) Credit Cards...https://testmoz.com/11181200
25) Basics of Credit...https://testmoz.com/11242680
24) Debt to Credit Ratio...https://testmoz.com/11242614
23) Credit Review...https://testmoz.com/11076958
22) Cost of Borrowing...https://testmoz.com/11242764
21) Credit and Debt...https://testmoz.com/11076898

20) More Banking...https://testmoz.com/11498450
19) Direct Deposit...https://testmoz.com/11071848
18) Banks...https://testmoz.com/11076804
17) Banking...https://testmoz.com/11238708
16) Banking Services...https://testmoz.com/11082128
Checking Account: Introduction to banking but little to no interest, a safe place to keep money to pay bills
Savings Account: Good place to keep an emergency fund
Savings Account: Good place to keep an emergency fund
15) Bank Investments...https://testmoz.com/11199584
14) Burning up your Money...testmoz.com/11469678
13) Time Value of Money...https://testmoz.com/11071958
12) Economic Terms...https://testmoz.com/11238674
11) Business Cycle and More...https://testmoz.com/11237456
10) Supply and Demand...https://testmoz.com/11237284
9) Trade...https://testmoz.com/11071970
8) Federal Reserve...https://testmoz.com/11237796
To help a struggling economy the FEDs will:
Lower interest rates=more money to borrow, more to spend
Lower the reserve=more money for the banks to lend, more money to spend
Buy bonds= more money in the system for the government to spend
The Federal Reserve will do the opposite of these to take money out of the system and slow inflation.
To help a struggling economy the FEDs will:
Lower interest rates=more money to borrow, more to spend
Lower the reserve=more money for the banks to lend, more money to spend
Buy bonds= more money in the system for the government to spend
The Federal Reserve will do the opposite of these to take money out of the system and slow inflation.
7) Money of Economics...https://testmoz.com/11237960
6) Inflation...https://testmoz.com/11238096
5) Open Enrollment...https://testmoz.com/11237122
4) Buying stocks...https://testmoz.com/11071928
3) Parts of a check...https://testmoz.com/5123434
2) video links...https://testmoz.com/11061464
Section 4 has been changed...the link to the poster questions are now below the poster...look down
1) First Day of School...https://testmoz.com/11061410