End of Course Information
Final Grade determination:
Do your homework and be prepared.
Be confident.
Speak clearly.
Be organized.
Know how much you are willing to compromise.
- Year Long Classes... 40%(1st Semester) + 40%(2nd Semester) + 20%(Exam Grade)
- Semester Classes...40%(1st nine weeks grade) + 40%(2nd nine weeks grade) + 20%(Exam Grade)
- The W!SE Exam is your final exam
- W!SE Exam schedule...ask your instructor
- The W!SE Exam is 50 questions in 50 minutes.
- You are allowed to retake the W!SE Exam one time.
- All make-up work must be submitted by the end of class the day before the exam. No make-up work will be accepted after the exam.
- Cost: $500 per project
- If you fail the W!SE Exam (both times), you cannot buy out of any of the projects.
- Be prepared to negotiate...Exam Grade is your credit score, class grade is your work history, any other important information like stock market game, attitude, work ethic, attendance, participation, etc.
- Check with your instructor for the due date of the projects. It will be listed on the Weekly Assignment page.
- Cheating on any project will be a violation of the negotiated agreement and will result in a zero, and having to complete all the projects.
- Be sure to complete every part of the project. Incomplete projects will be graded as a "zero."
- If you create a disturbance in class, you will forfeit one project you have previously have bought out, and must complete it by the due date. Each disturbance will result in another forfeiture.
- Any person scoring an 100% on the W!SE Exam and has an "A" average will be exempted from all projects and negotiations.
- Any unused classroom cash may be transferred to another student under the terms and agreement associated with such transfer approved by the instructor.
- Any project that has been "bought out" will be recorded as "exempt" in the grade book.
- Any project not bought out and not completed, will be recorded as a zero. If completed, it will be entered as "exempt." This means, projects will NOT help your grade, only hurt it if not completed.
- In addition to forfeiting a project, your Class Participation grade will be lowered by 50 points for each disturbance infraction.
Do your homework and be prepared.
Be confident.
Speak clearly.
Be organized.
Know how much you are willing to compromise.
- When the exam is over, you will no longer receive a paycheck.
- Have your registers accurate and complete.
- Know which projects you don’t want to do, and which one you would do. Place them in some kind of order.
- Any disruptions in the class will be a breach in the agreement concerning projects and your final class participation grade, resulting in no agreement, and the possibility of having to do additional projects with a penalty placed on your class participation grade.